Donald M. Smith
BA Harvard University.
PhD Economics, Brown University.
Assistant Professor Environmental Economics
at SMU, Dallas.
US Sen. Gary Hart's staff on energy,
environment and budget in Washington.
Founded EnviroBeef
Founded Smith Cogeneration
Founded Smith Cogeneration and Renewable Power
Don recently established the Smith Cogeneration and Renewable Power company. The company is responding to countries in Asia which are inviting international experts to build independent wind and solar projects.
Don's new EnviroBeef company has developed a method of producing beef from cattle which contribute less to climate change …. and beef which provides health benefits to the consumer. Don patented a method of using a species of natural microalgae containing high levels of omega-3s as a cattle feed supplement. The company combines this with another cattle feed supplement, a natural species of seaweed, which suppresses the synthesis of methane in the cattle’s stomach so they do not burp methane.
Don's worldwide patents in the methods of feeding microalgae containing the omega-3s combined with red seaweed provide an opportunity to build a large international corporation, making a significant beneficial impact on the climate and consumer health.
Smith Cogeneration developed, owned and operated the 120MW PowerSmith Cogeneration Plant in OKC. The company also developed, owned and operated a modern 185MW barge mounted, combined cycle power plant in the Dominican Republic, and initiated cogeneration projects India, China, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Don developed a new blood line of cattle at DuckSmith Farms with genetics maximizing marbling and minimizing other fats.
While heading a subcommittee staff in the US Senate, Don developed a US energy plan based on domestic natural gas to eliminate oil imports; a long-term plan to balance the US budget while cutting Federal income taxes; and price incentives to develop the vast natural gas reserves in the US.
As VP at GHK Gas Exploration in OKC Don was a leader in the drilling and producing from very deep wells, which incorporated techniques which became the fracking industry.
At Southern Methodist Don created new coursework at the graduate and undergraduate level in Environmental Economics, combining ecology, microeconomics, and benefit-cost analysis.